Quick thoughts, Lasting memories

"If lovin' the Lord is wrong, I don't wanna be right."

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Thursday, March 30, 2006

"Money Eating Creature from the Hotel Lagoon"

So we made it to St. Charles (just outside of Chicago). It wasn't a bad drive down at all. The weather is super nice, and the hotel comfortable. There is a Creature from the Black Lagoon pinball machine in the hotel arcade, and it managed to eat a couple of dollars from both my brother and I. That pinball machine kick our butts. We both had at least one good game, but we could have done so much better!! Well the pinball machine was the direct result for me to do something nice for someone today. Matt and I left an extra free game on the machine for this kid that was just kind of hanging around the arcade, but not actually playing the games. He kind of approached the pinball machine very carefully. It kind of looked like he had never played a game of pinball in his life. It probably would have been fun to see how he did, but we didn't stick around. Tomorrow I think my goal will be to find something fun to do around town, and swim in the pool!!!


Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Well my one goal today was to make soup. It actually happened! I thought the soup tasted good and it didn't take too long at all. It was good 'ol minnesota wild rice soup. I also did a trial run for a podcast. I liked playing around with garage band some, but now I need to figure out how to post my podcast so other people can download. I'll keep you posted on that one

My parents had to put my dog to sleep today. It was a pretty sad. We had sadie for quite a while, and she was a really good dog. It is never fun to see an animal go.

Tomorrow morning I'm off to Chicago. So all my blogs will take place from the Windy City (actually just outside the Windy City).


My goal for tomorrow is "do something nice for someone". Any readers can feel free to do the same, and then tomorrow post what you did!!!

Project Fish Tank: ACCOMPLISHED

So one of my goals that I set for myself was to set-up my fish tank this week. BOO YEAH! I did it! My good friend Joel helped me set it all up. It was pretty fun. We made a trip to Petsmart, which I hadn't done in a long time, and I found a tank stand and some old school looking ruins of some kind. The ruins kind of give the take a nice theme. My next purchase for the tank is to find an old pirate looking skull.

A friend of mine is going to make a sweet satchel for my new computer. So today we went shopping for some fabric. We found some pretty sweet stuff which I am pumped about. It's kind of going to be kind of an earthy green. I may need to post a picture of it when she is done making it.

Let's see plans for tomorrow.............I think I'm going to try and make a big batch of some Wild Rice soup. Chloe (sister-in-law) gave me a pretty recipe so I'm going to try it. I know, I know all of you are thinking "Dave, how in the world are you going to accomplish that goal??? You only have all day to make one batch of soup???" I know I may be stretching myself pretty thin tomorrow by having so many huge plans, BUT I'm going to try really hard to complete my goal. I'll keep you posted!!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Goodbye Good Friend

So I've decided I'm going to try and update my blog daily because I'm not working this week.

Today I dropped one of my good friends Caleb off at the airport. He and Amanda (his wife) moved to Australia just a little while ago and he was in town getting his visa so he could live there permanently. It was sad to see him go, but I know that they'll be happy in Australia with their own place, and living closer to his wife's family. We'll miss them here in the states.

Other than my trip to the airport, my day has been quite uneventful. It was one of my roommates birthdays today so we all went to Applebees this evening, it was a pretty good time!

I think tomorrow I'm going to set-up my fish tank. That'll be one for the books....

Saturday, March 25, 2006

White whales and Flying Peaches

Well Well Well I figured I'm due for my once a month blog........

I just recently purchased a new computer and we finally got the internet at our apartment. So hopefully I'll be posting more these days.

There has been a few changes, I just quit the warehouse I was working at and my old mosquito killing job starts in about a week. I'm pretty pumped about being outside all summer again. If the weather is going to be nice I might as well be outside for it.

Let's see I haven't blogged for a while, I kind of feel like I'm grasping for words here........ I'll share some things that I have experience in the culture lately.

1. I just saw Hamlet at the Guthrie. It was a pretty fun time. We had a whole crew go. Matt and Chloe, Jenni ( a girl from their church), my parents, and Chloe's mom. Afterwards Matt, Chloe, Jenni, and I went to Perkins and we all shared French Toast, French Fries, and Matt and I shared a Caramel Malt. It was quite the fun night!
2. I just saw the movie V for Vendetta. I really enjoyed it. Visually I thought it was pretty sweet and the story was captivating.
3. I also just finished reading a couple of books. Moby Dick, the book was really, really good. Long, but good. I really liked Herman Mellville's style. I'll probably have to try and read a couple more of his books. I also finished the Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. Of course C.S. Lewis once again showed me why is my favorite author of all time. The book was so challenging and enjoying. This morning I finished reading James and the Giant Peach. I thought that it was a fun story. I pretty much read it because someone gave it to me and I wanted to see the stop-motion animation version of it, but I wanted to read it first.

My new ambition is to try and record a podcast. I'm not sure how it totally works, but I'm dying to try it. So hopefully I'll have something fun to check out. I know I say this everytime, but hopefully I'll publish some more stuff soon!!