Project Fish Tank: ACCOMPLISHED

So one of my goals that I set for myself was to set-up my fish tank this week. BOO YEAH! I did it! My good friend Joel helped me set it all up. It was pretty fun. We made a trip to Petsmart, which I hadn't done in a long time, and I found a tank stand and some old school looking ruins of some kind. The ruins kind of give the take a nice theme. My next purchase for the tank is to find an old pirate looking skull.
A friend of mine is going to make a sweet satchel for my new computer. So today we went shopping for some fabric. We found some pretty sweet stuff which I am pumped about. It's kind of going to be kind of an earthy green. I may need to post a picture of it when she is done making it.
Let's see plans for tomorrow.............I think I'm going to try and make a big batch of some Wild Rice soup. Chloe (sister-in-law) gave me a pretty recipe so I'm going to try it. I know, I know all of you are thinking "Dave, how in the world are you going to accomplish that goal??? You only have all day to make one batch of soup???" I know I may be stretching myself pretty thin tomorrow by having so many huge plans, BUT I'm going to try really hard to complete my goal. I'll keep you posted!!
nice work.
and you can make the crap out of that soup.
i believe in you.
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