Quick thoughts, Lasting memories

"If lovin' the Lord is wrong, I don't wanna be right."

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Eye of a Painter

I love looking at paintings. A good painting will stop me in my tracks and leave me without words. The world quickly fades and I am left with just the painting. Paintings leave me with so many questions. "How long did this take?" "Was the painting what the artist orginially intended?" "Where was the artist when they painted this?" "What emotions went into this painting?" "Joy?" "Sadness?" "Frustration?" "Satisfaction?" "Love?"

This picture on the right is one by Van Gogh. Some people actually think this was painted in a time of his life when he went crazy and that this is how he actually viewed the world. I think the painting is marvelous.

When I stop and look into a clear sky with a full moon, I get the same feeling like I am looking into a breathtaking painting. It's obvious that time and consideration was taken in creating the stars and the moon. What was the author thinking?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Then when it seems we will never smile again....life comes back

Well naturally I again waited an entire month before publishing anything new. A lot has been going on and I figured I should share.
My girlfriend and I broke up about a week ago. It was a very hard decision to make, but I know it was the right thing to do. I have had some rough days dealing with all of that.
I am also not going to be working at the coffee shop that I so dearly loved, because I found a new job that is full-time and the hours just wouldn't work out. The coffee shop couldn't afford to pay me full-time and Rachel is doing her internship there. It was clear I needed to move on.
The job I am working will be in a warehouse picking parts. You know, I am not using my college degree at all for this job, but yet I know I will learn something from it.
I know that God has something else for me I just have to find out what that is. Honestly, I'm quite eager to see what He has up his sleeve.................