Quick thoughts, Lasting memories

"If lovin' the Lord is wrong, I don't wanna be right."

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Today I flew a kite for the first time. It was quite glorious. At least it was the first time I can recall that I actually flew a kite successfully. For my graduation, last May, a friend of mine gave me a kite, and today I decided to break it out. So this morning I threw the kite in the back of my mosquito control truck and flew it during my lunch break. The kite is shaped like a giant goldfish and it's tail flapped in the wind. I love the sound a kite makes. The wind rushing right into it like a sail on a giant sailing ship. Well, that's all for today.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Pacifism is Tough When Your Job is To Kill Mosquitos

As you can tell my attempt to post daily pretty much fell through. My brother and I went into Chicago and had a really good time, and last saturday we went to a coin-operated machine show with my dad. We got some pretty fun free pinball to play at the show! I also bought some cool fish for my fish-tank so sometime I'll have to post a picture of them up the old blog.

This week was my first week back at Mosquito control again. I think it's going to be a fun summer working there. Sometimes it kind of feels like a summer camp without the campers, big meals, cabins, waterfront, horses, and fires. So I guess it only feels like summer camp because we have foremen that are in charge of 5 to 6 people, and the foremen kind of feel like camp counselors. The only thing I really don't like about the job is having to get up at 5:43am every morning, BUT I do get done with work at 3:00 so that is pretty sweet.

I'm off to bed soon. I'm going to enjoy sleeping in tomorrow!!!