Freaks, Geeks, and Frozen Sheets

I'm back from yet another long hiatus of no blogging. I figured I should probably write and say that Window Washing is no longer part of my life. It finally got too cold to be able to window wash. At one point we had to stop because as we put the window washing fluid on the windows it would quickly make a nice frozen sheet covering the window. We also figured it was too cold when we put the dish soap into the fluid and it turned to a little frozen icicle of soap. So needless to say, I am yet again looking for a job.
Some friends of mine manage a coffee shop on the U of M campus called Bordertown and I'm going to start working there about 15 hours a week, but I need something else that will be able to pay the bills. I'm pretty excited because it is a Christian coffee shop so that will be cool to do some ministry again.
I also wanted to share some good Christmas memories that have been formed this year.
1. My dad pulled out three boxes of some "vintage" clothes that he used to wear. I scored about 3 t-shirts, 2 collared shirts, and one full body jump suit (booya!). I passed up about 5 pairs of really really short shorts. My favorite shirt I got says "Here today gone to Maui". It probably has become my new favorite shirt.
2. My roommate and I have been watching through the t.v. show "Freaks and Geeks". I freakin' love that show. It is a dying shame that they only put out 18 episodes because that show was incredible. (hence the picture top right) ( someday I'll devote a whole blog entry to freaks and geeks)
3. Rachel gave me a really sweet argyle sweater. I love a good argyle.
4. My family and I were able to hang out quite a bit on Christmas eve and Christmas day it was a blast, and I'm looking forward to the legendary Hilden Christmas this Sunday.
5. This was the Christmas for getting DVD's as well. Spanglish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Seinfeld season 5.
6. Justin and Autumn had a Christmas party last night. It was great to able to see them for a short bit, and meet a bunch of their St. Olaf friends!
7. My grandmother's quiche. I ate about 4 huge pieces, but not as much as my cousin Nathan. There's always next year..............
PEACE people. I hope your Christmas was full of some good memories as well. Feel free to share some in the comment box!!