Time is so overrated

So here's the deal. You know at the beginning of the month of september I set a goal to pray for an hour everyday. Lately I have felt a little convicted about it.
Last thursday, spurred this feeling of conviction. The time was 6:20pm and I shut myself in my room and was determined to pray for exactly one hour. I sat in my room like a child being banished after bad behavior. People were over at the apartment and I wanted to be hanging out with them. My heart was not in the prayer time at all. Of course that wasn't totally a wasted hour, but at the same time I realized prayer times are not to be times of counting the minutes on my clock. (By the way, I used my roommates clock, because it was a minute faster than the first clock I looked at. How pathetic is that?) I realized that my prayer time did not need to be about how long I spent with God, it was about the quality time I spent with Him and what my heart condition was.
holy graphics, batman. love it.
Thanks, I stole the picture from my Dad's website. It's a picture of a pinball clock. That you can actually order at www.crowriver.com (shameless plug)
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