September 6th (A Wednesday)

I guess I don't have anything ground breaking to share this evening. EXCEPT that I actually came home from work and stayed home. It was glorious. I think it was the first time in for sure a week possibly two.
Work wasn't too busy today. I didn't finish the crossword ( I like attempting it everyday). -Sidenote- I was amazed to find out that my grandfather has never done a crossword puzzle before! I think I might get him a crossword puzzle book for Christmas. - I also prayed during work. I think I'm going to try until the end of the week, but I just can't seem to focus long enough to actually have good communication with God.
I'm listening to Coheed and Cambria "The Light and the Glass" which is a freakin' sweet epic of a song.
I didn't read Why I am not a pacifist last night, but I have slated it for the agenda this evening.
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