10 Gallon Gang Wars

I have heard the cries and I promise I will try and update more! So here's a quick story before I head to bed!
The picture on the right are the kind of fish that I have finally put in my fish tank. (The fish tank I talked about setting up a couple of posts ago). I bought 8 fish. 4 are striped liked the ones in the pictures and 4 that are the same type, but just a different color. I call the striped ones the "sharks" and the solid colored ones the "jets". (The two gangs from Westside Story). I first put the "sharks" in the tank probably about a month ago, and just last week I introduced the "jets" into the tank. They all looked like they were getting along just fine. So I gladly fed them, smiled, a small fatherly smile, and turned the lights off. I went to bed a happy man. It seemed as if the "Sharks" and the "Jets" were going to get along just fine. Boy was I wrong. I woke up the next morning to a herendous sight. One of the "jets", we will call him Billy, was stuck to the filter and barely breathing. Right away I knew exactly what had happened. The "Sharks" were showing who was the real boss in that 10 gallon tank, and they decided they would just kill off one of the "jets" in the first night. Actually now that I think about it, they might have killed him during the day when I was at work. Well whatever time of the day it was, the killing was brutal. Who would have thought that these two gangs would really just take each other out. I just thought I was giving them playful names. This afternoon I took Billy to the pet store and returned his dead fish body for a much more lively (Bigger) fish. I decided that I would bring a ringer into the gang wars. So as of now I think the "jets" will dominate the tank for a little while, but who knows. All I know is that there are plenty of fish in the sea........ and plenty of battles to be fought. I will keep you posted.
If you throw a tube sock and a shiv in that tank...it's all over.
Funniest Comment Ever!
So how does pacificsm play into this little scenario?
you got me chloe. I could string along about this big analogy and how I'm like God and cannot control what the fish do and I have given the fish free wiil to do what they want. BUT that would be way too far fetched, and I don't think God enjoys watching battles, but I do enjoy a good fish battle here and there. I'm going to have to settle with a "you got me".
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